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Writer's pictureRev. Bill Blomquist

Fifth Conversion | Serving Others

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

A significant conversion in the life of a Christian is the conversion to service unto God.

Many of us say things like, "I am dead. Christ lives in me. It is He I live for, for my husband, and the like." But on a very real level, most people want to hold onto their own desires, dreams, time, and even habits while, at the same time, give a little here or there for whole-hearted, completely sold-out call to the conversion to ministry.

In this conversion our whole worlds are rocked. All we have - energy, thoughts, creativity, you name it - falls away and retooled for the absolute focal point of sacrificial service to the One who gave it all for us.

I often can tell if a person has been converted to service just by how they speak. If I hear a person saying a lot of "I," "me," and other personal words reflecting the work of Christ done in your heart, with not a lot of "he," "his work," or other words that are, for the most part, sacrificially minded, chances are they are on this side of this conversion. If I hear you speaking intentionally about pleasing him, your call in Christ Jesus, or selflessly committed to something that God likes (like feeding the poor, hanging out with widows, or visiting the sick and downtrodden), that's a whole different way of doing life.

It's like the difference between praise and worship. Authentic praise exalts Jesus for who he is and what he's done for me. Hymns like, "Holy, holy, holy," and songs like, "I Am Who You Say I Am," and (for you older folks) "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" represent songs stemming from hearts of praise and thanksgiving for who the Lord is and what "The Lord has done for 'me.'"

Worship choruses take the worshiper a bit deeper into the temple, so to speak. The emphasis now has switched from what the Lord has done for "me" to who the Lord is, his worthiness, majesty, and devotion expressed by the worshipper; perhaps even a what-I-can-do-for-you attitude.

Many have yet to be converted into this deeper sense of intimacy with God (partially because they have yet to die to the whole self and live soley to God - but there are other reasons of course). The Church is filled with people yet-to-be converted into a selfless life of serving the living God.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16:25

These words of Jesus have something to do with that. He's essentially saying that real living begins when you get out of your self and into his self.

Conversion to service doesn't mean you turn into a church mouse and spend the whole of life in adoration down at the local church every day (though it could). Rather, it means that you have acquired a "sold out" attitude to the Kingdom of God wherever you are and whomever you're with. In line at the grocery store, scribbling numbers at the bank, meeting people at a rest stop on a mountain hike - whoever you are your heart is eager, looking for ways to selflessly serve him to and through others, in all situations, even if it's inconvenient for you and you wind up having to go the second mile and missing your hair appointment.

If you have been converted into full service to Jesus he has you right where he wants you. You will never be more like Jesus than you are today. Alive, vibrant, putting it all out there for the sake of Kingdom activity, your call lived in it, and the joy that comes from being graciously obedient - sold out - to his will.

You have, in a sense, left the Outer Courts where salvation, cleansing, end empowerment of the Spirit happen and slipped behind the veil into a whole new world where life is no longer all about you (though you'll need to perpetually return to the cross and the Spirit to get through life), but for him.

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