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Writer's pictureRev. Bill Blomquist

Conversions | Introduction

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

We are all converted into many things. Some are converted to the NFL. Others to Formula 1 races. Some are converted to surfing, skiing, or other sports. A person is converted when he allows himself to be influenced from an outside force and decides within his own heart to fully invest himself in the thing.

There are conversions to family, when a single guy decides to get married, toss away the old life, and invest in a wife, children, home, etc. He may mow the yard, set up a security system, check on his kids' web-browsing records - all because he has sold out (converted) to the welfare of his family.

As Christians, we often speak of conversion too. We say we are converted to Christ. When we say we are converted to Christ we are essentially saying there was an outside influence that was pressing itself upon me and I have become convinced to fully invest myself in the thing. That outside influence happens in many ways. To some it is modeled by parents, others are on a beach alone and overcome with God's love, others experience what is commonly called a conviction of their rottenness and cry out to Jesus for both the forgiveness of their sin, and for the power to get out of the old life and get into the new life.

Life is filled with conversions. Some are religious, others not so much. The problem with religious conversations is that we think there is only one. Once in, we think, all is well. And in a sense that is true. But the Christian who thinks there is only one conversation is like a chef who thinks all there are to cook are eggs. Eggs can be served a variety of ways of course, but after a while they are only eggs and sooner or later the chef will wonder if there are any other options in the food pantry.

Our life in Christ isn't an egg-only sort of meal. Much to the surprise of many, it is a continuous flow of mystery, formation, highs and lows, and multiple aha moments that actually will continue right on through and continue into eternity. It's a living adventure wherein we are transformed from one glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18). Indeed, we were made not to be stagnant in our faith, not to make tents on the hilltop. We are sojourners, a pilgrim people, a people unsatisfied and never quite rested until we finally arrive at the great big resting place in the sky.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

Over the course of the next few weeks allow me to muse a bit on this. Perhaps you may even convert to the idea of numerous conversions fleshing out within that one essential Conversion as well. Jesus has more for us than merely forgiveness from sins and eternal life. There is life to live as well. And he is determined to lead us deeper into the mysteries of his temple in the world, his heart, and his purposes therein.

Wont you join me?

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