b. blomquist
Blomquistian Labs
Not quite ready for prime time... but still something all the same.

The valley of Baca was a place where pilgrims to Jerusalem had to pass through in order to get to the temple. A lot of stories surround the place - sorrow, weeping, graveyards, hauntings, and the like. It was a spooky place that they - and we all - need to pass through in order to make it to the other side. The Psalm says (Ps 84) that as the people of God pass through this place, they make it a place of springs. This means that wherever we go as Christians, something of God's presence remains and actually changes the atmosphere of even the most ghoulish of places.
A song of intercession pleading God to reveal himself for all the world to see.
A tribute to my west coast friends. They'll never know how much they did for me.
The communion of saints blend heaven and earth, past, present, and future. We have one common cry, "Marvelous!"
Trudging into temple day in and day out, the priest is weary, yet - for the sake of his people - remains faithful to the Ever Faithful.
The puppets find themselves rushing to the manger.
Puppet Song about our purposes in life - to "cross" pollinate everyone we buzz around.
Miriam danced on the shores of redemption, reminding us that dancing before the Lord is an offering of who we are before our deliverer.
An orthodox prayer,
May I love you, Lord
More today
Than I've loved my sin.
Fill me with the fullness.... We may never understand the emmensity of his grace, yet we still ask to be filled with the fullness of his love.
An ancient prayer prayed by saints through the ages. The Spirit breathes through this prayer in its repetition and rushes to the heart of the broken-hearted.